Bridge  Links

Articles on Bridge
  • A great collection - for all levels - by "Bridge Forum"

  • Bidding
  • SAYC system in 2 pages - site 1
  • The  S A Y C   system in full - site 2
  • Ned Downey's notes on SAYC
  • 2/1 system - by Anna Marsch
  • Larry Lande's notes on 2/1
  • Weekly Bidding Quiz - spend just 5 minutes each week here

  • Books
  • Bridge books - mostly for the aspiring intermediate
  • South African supplier of Bridge Books and Bridge diaries - save on postage and delays!
  • Masterpoint Press - for bridge books and bridge CDs
  • New & 2nd-Hand Books - fast, reliable, Australian company
  • New, old and out-of-print books
  • New & second-hand books - thru Peter Dunn, U.K.
  • The Bridge Shop for Books, Software, and Bridge Gifts

  • Bridge, Bridge, Bridge
  • Duplicate & Contract Bridge Encyclopedia, Laws, Books, Tournaments 

  • Bridge for Beginners
  • Articles to assist you - nice! - by "Bridge Forum"
  • Beginner Lessons - by Richard Pavlicek
  • Discover the Fun & Challenge of Duplicate Bridge - for the initiate
  • Introduction to Duplicate
  • The WBF programme to teach bridge to newbies    
  • What is Bridge? - by Ron Klinger

  • Bridge Quizzes
  • Weekly - by Andrew Robson
  • Monthly - by Richard Pavlicek
  • Monthly - by Sid & Abby
  • Monthly - Bridge Plus magazine

  • Bridge Products
  • South African supplier of bridge items, including bidding boxes
  • Excellent scoring program with built-in ladders and movements

  • Calculators
  • Calculator to evaluate whether you should open NT - Bridgebum site

  • Collection of Hands
  • BridgeBum site
  • Frank van Wezel's lovely collection (a must read!)
  • IMP magazine - interesting hands and problems
  • "Mind Sports" Site
  • Mike Lawrence - collection of hands, instructive
  • Thomas Andrews' collection - for all levels    

  • Conventions
  • Anna Marsh's Popular conventions
  • Anna Marsh's 2/1 add-ons
  • BridgeGuys' most comprehensive suite of conventions
  • Comprehensive collection of Conventions
  • Conventions and Systems   nice full 1-stop reference  
  • Dick Olson's fine list
  • Williams' excellent Conventions page   

  • Dealers (for practice)
  • Excellent generator of hands, by Richard Podkowik

  • Daily Online Columns
  • Frank Stewart
  • Andrew Robson
  • Phillip Alder
  • New York Times - also by Phillip Alder

  • Glossary of Bridge Terms
  • Bridgeguys site

  • BridgeWorld Glossary

  • HomePages
  • Anna Gudge
  • David Stevenson
  • Eddie Kantar
  • Karen Walker
  • Mike Lawrence
  • Richard Pavlicek  
  • L'Italia e il Bridge   - for Italians

  • Humour
  • Funny Bridge Captions - Bridge Plus' Monthly competition
  • Funny Bridge Articles - David Stevenson's page
  • Funny Stories - David Stevenson's page

  • International Scene
  • Quick view of WBF Zones   

    International Tournaments
  • Hand Records of International Matches, Laws, Appeals, and much more!  

  • Latest 2007 Laws 
  • Laws, Interpretations and Commentary - by David Stevenson
  • Explanation of the pre-2007 Laws by UK T.D. Richard Grenside
  • WBF Code of Laws for Electronic Bridge

  • Link Collections
  • Comprehensive list of Organizations and other bridge links - David Stevenson
  • Great Bridge Links - everything on Bridge!

  • Online Columns
  • "7NT" - a site that analyzes hands daily
  • Daily Column by Phillip Alder

    Play Online

  • by Fred Gitelman


  • Software
  • Collection of great products - various authors
  • by Mike Lawrence - on play and defense - excellent!

  • South African sites
  • South African Bridge Federation
  • Gauteng Bridge Union
  • KwaZulu Natal Bridge Union
  • Northern Gauteng Bridge Union
  • Western Cape Bridge
  • Benoni Bridge Club

  • Tuition
  • Bridge- for Intermediates - intro to 2/1, & various principles
  • Richard Pavlicek - lots of quizzes!

  • Unsorted Miscellaneous
  • Playing cards
  • Newsgroups information

  • Wonderful Suite of Links to various Homepages by...

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